Thursday, September 10, 2015

Think about possibilities for your initial fieldwork observation, the official write-up of this report is due September 21.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

From the Eriksen article excerpt on "culture" and from our investigation of "race" what are some rules or guidelines you would suggest as students of anthropology in the use of those terms?

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

To prepare for our Friday seminar on race: please do the following

1.  Complete your passage/response journal from Race, the Power of Illusion, part I

2.  Complete the additional readings, adding to your passage/response journal
     answers to the following questions

a.  What in the McIntosh article, do you find the most shocking, maddening, thought provoking, and why?

b.  How does Tatum define racism; what does she arguing, in your own words? In this definition, what is the difference between racism and prejudice?

c.   What are three questions this article raises for you (issues of clarification, expansion, application)?